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Ka'ana Resort

Mile 69 ¼ Western Highway
San Ignacio,



Number of Rooms: 17

An enormous amount of care and attention went into the planning and design of our Belize accommodations. Our designers were conscious of the fact that our guests, while here to enjoy inland adventure and the cultural diversity of Belize, appreciate the conveniences they have come to expect in the world's premier resorts.

Ka'ana is truly Belizean inspired in its décor and there are tributes to local craftsmen in all areas of the resort. Local artist, Jorge Landero, was commissioned to convey the spirit of the Maya in the wall art. The Art in your room will be changed on the 4th night of your stay in an attempt to expose you to even more of these local masterpieces. Elmer Panti hand crafted all the slate work, including the restaurant coasters, which are yet another example of how skilled the local craftsmen truly are.

Available Room Types

1-Bedroom Private Pool Villa

2-Bedroom Private Pool Villa

Casita Suite

Balam Suites

Master Suites

Information, amenities and pricing is subject to change without notice. While we do our very best to ensure that information and pricing appearing in this website is complete and accurate, we cannot be responsible for incomplete and inaccurate representations, which may or may not be under our control. In the event of an error, misrepresentation or omission, we reserve the right to make a correction. Note that during these unprecedented times, local government regulations may inhibit hotels from providing normal facilities and services, limiting the ability to provide the listed amenities/benefits.


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